Yesterday as I was getting into the driver's seat to leave, I noticed a very long receipt from a CVS Pharmacy stuck haphazardly under the wiper. Oh boy, what is it this time? I pulled it out, got back into my seat, and started to read what was scribbled across the back -
"I am sorry I hit your truck to get ahold of me call - "
I stopped right there and read that bit over several times, attempting to let my mind digest it. I was imagining all sorts of violent, rude, and degrading things I'd like to say to someone dumb enough to hit my parked vehicle and then have the gumption to just drive off and leave me with nothing more than a piece of paper and a phone number instead of trying to find me via the store intercom. In a few short seconds, I was imagining all the headache the next few months would be, with repairs, and insurance, and generally dealing with a person I'd already decided was the lowest form of idiot. Then I looked at it and read it again, in it's entirety.
"I am sorry I hit your truck to get ahold of me call blah blah blah HaHa
Your favorite produce guy, Kenny"
Relief washed over me and the look of horror and near tears on my face quickly dissolved into a smile, then laughter that lasted the whole drive home. Cute Pippy, very cute. And I'm going to tell him so tomorrow. It might sound ridiculous and silly, but it made my whole frikkin' day, that did. And now I'm simply wondering if he does this kind of thing to all of his friends, or if he's trying to get my attention more than he already has . . . ugh. Yeah. Maybe he just wanted to make me smile. It certainly worked. Too well.
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